For God has not given us the spirit of fear…

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  2 Timothy 1:7

Many of us struggle with how we should respond to people or situations that bring us fear. Paul had advice for Timothy on how we should respond to these moments or circumstances in life.
1.Ask for God’s strength, power, or help= When fear grips you ask for God’s help. Tap into His power. That means keeping your focus and trust in His strength to be able to accomplish what you can’t on your own. God alone makes us capable to do all He is asking us to do in this life so look to Him for empowerment.
2.Ask for God’s love to fill your heart= When God is asking you to serve Him in this life. You Ask him to give you His heart for others and trust He will give you the love and tools to accomplish His will in your ministry. Personally, I am scared every time I am going to visit the sick or dying, every time I do a funeral, and every time I preach. So I ask for God’s power or strength but then I ask for God overwhelming love for that individual, family, or sinner to drive my actions. It is God’s overwhelming love for those in need that drives me to do what must be done. His love replaces my fear which is what we are told in 1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; for perfect love cast out fear”
3.Ask God to help you body and mind operate according to His will and His Word= Paul says we have a spirit that brings us a sound mind or self control. I can be honest I don’t possess either of those without God’s spirit possessing me. The more I give my will over to His and just follow His leading the less I fear the results or consequences. I don’t fear because I know things will turn out exactly as God intended.
So the next time you face anything that brings you to the point of fear, ask God for His power, love, and will to take over then do whatever the Spirit leads– you will be amazed at how strong and of good courage you can be!
In His Service,
Eric Barnes